Ask Christopher West

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

317 episodes of Ask Christopher West since the first episode, which aired on January 7th, 2019.

  • My Son is Gender Neutral, Dating an Older Woman & Listener's Affirmation | ACW256

    November 27th, 2023  |  43 mins 4 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • My son wants to change his name to a gender neutral name. What do I call him?
    • I’ve developed a friendship with a woman that’s several years older than I am. As our friendship grows, the possibility of a romantic relationship has come up but I don’t feel “butterflies” in my stomach. Would it be irresponsible to enter a relationship without those romantic feelings?
    • This is not a question but an affirmation of the wisdom and balance coming from Wendy and Christopher’s marriage
  • Wild Eros, Vampires & Modesty | ACW255

    November 22nd, 2023  |  57 mins 59 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • Should I invite a girl out even though she might not share the same values and faith I do?
    • How can I explain to a 3rd grader that consuming the Eucharist is not the same as vampirism?
    • How can I let my girlfriend know that other men might look at the way she dresses impurely while honoring her God given beauty?
  • Liberal Parish, Practical Advice to Overcome P*rn & the Receptive Role of Man | ACW254

    November 13th, 2023  |  52 mins 26 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • My current parish has a radically liberal priest and LGBTQ ministries. Should I speak to my parish priest or should I just look for another parish?
    • I’ve struggled with pornography for a long time. Do you have any practical advice on how to overcome porn?
    • I’m having difficulty accepting my place as the bride in the spousal analogy. How can I accept my receptive role as a man?
  • Death and Dinosaurs, Disinterested Gift & the Fruits of Sin | ACW253

    November 6th, 2023  |  52 mins 54 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • If death entered the world with the fall of man, what about all the other creatures on earth before man came into the scene?
    • What is the disinterested gift that John Paul II talks about and how does it relate to eros?
    • My wife does not want any more children and resists the idea of practicing NFP. How do I not destroy my marriage, not put my soul in jeopardy and still live my moral obligation as a Catholic with a clear conscience under these circumstances?
  • Trauma Growing Up, TOB for Teens & Top 5 TOB Movies | ACW252

    October 30th, 2023  |  44 mins 19 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • I grew up in a very painful and hurtful environment and fear that all my personality traits come from this broken past. How do I continue to trust God when it feels like I’m becoming a stranger to myself and everyone that knows me?
    • Is it possible to talk to teens about the beauty of their sexuality in a way that won’t make them feel threatened or embarrassed?
    • What are the top 5 Theology of the Body movies that you would recommend to someone?
  • Looking Lustfully, M*sturbation & Perfectionism in Marriage | ACW251

    October 23rd, 2023  |  42 mins 23 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • I have a hard time trying to determine if the way I look at women is sinful or not. Do you have any advice?
    • Is there any difference between touching different parts of my body and masturbation? I don’t understand why the latter is sinful while the former is perfectly acceptable.
    • Did you struggle with perfectionism when practicing NFP? Is the way I see NFP a contraceptive mentality? How can I feel more confident and not scared about the pleasure I’ll feel in marriage?
  • Living as Brother and Sister, Climax Outside Intercourse & the Incarnation as Plan B | ACW250

    October 16th, 2023  |  54 mins 33 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • When would it be appropriate to recommend living as brother and sister to couples who got a civil divorce, got remarried but are still in a sacramental marriage with a former spouse? What exactly does “living as brother and sister” entail?
    • Where does the Church teach that mutual acts of intimacy which do not involve intercourse but which result in orgasm for one or both spouses are evil?
    • Can you explain how the Incarnation was not God’s plan B?
  • Being "Cool", Erectile Dysfunction & Adopting Embryos | ACW249

    October 9th, 2023  |  55 mins 32 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • I’m a mother, and now that my children are in school and going through the social dynamics of popularity, memories from my own time in school and this unhealthy dynamic are welling up. Why do I have this need to feel like I’m “cool”?
    • We are a married couple struggling with the trial of managing intimacy and aging. At this point, I’m struggling to maintain an erection and my wife is urging me to seek a solution. Do you have any advice?
    • My housemate works for a Christian adoption agency that allows couples desiring children of their own to adopt and implant embryos that were originally conceived for in-vitro fertilisation purposes but that are no longer going to be allowed to further develop by the conceiving couple. What are your thoughts?
  • Reading TOB, NFP Struggles & Old Loves | ACW248

    October 2nd, 2023  |  46 mins 35 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • I'm trying to read through the actual text of John Paul's Theology of the Body but I find it incredibly difficult to understand. Is there anything I could do?
    • My best friend and her husband are practicing Natural Family Planing. She feels isolated, discouraged and frustrated. Meanwhile, I feel like NFP should be a team effort and a source of closeness to the couple. Do you have any advice?
    • I was in an unhealthy relationship with a man but I still long for his closeness. What place do old relationships have in light of the TOB?
  • Wife Blessings, Parenthood Roles and Dating Non-Catholics | ACW247

    September 25th, 2023  |  38 mins 37 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • Can a wife bless her husband?
    • My husband doesn’t understand the huge life change that motherhood has been for me. How can I prevent our difference in parenthood roles from affecting our relationship?
    • I’m a Catholic young adult whom recently dated an Anglican. I enjoyed our time together but decided to not formalize the relationship. I’m uncertain if my decision was based on selfishness or prudence. Do you have any advice?
  • Cohabitation, Scarred Sexuality and Alzheimer's | ACW246

    September 18th, 2023  |  39 mins 11 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • My daughter & her fiancé are thinking about moving in together before getting married in the Church and she expects me to help with the move. What should I do?
    • I struggled with porn addiction and I experience self-hatred towards my sexuality. How can I deal with my scarred sexuality in a practical way?
    • My father has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and whenever I look at him I don’t recognize him. What does our faith teach us about mental disease?
  • Lingerie in Marriage | ACW245

    September 12th, 2023  |  48 mins 26 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • I was pregnant and developed a condition that led to an early delivery and the passing of my son within a few hours of delivery. Now I’m struggling to see my womb as a place of life instead of death. Can the Theology of the Body shine a light on this?
    • Does one have to be in a state of grace in order to receive the sacramental benefits from marriage? What if one of the spouses is in a state of grace and the other is not?
    • What does the Theology of the Body have to say about lingerie?